Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fifty-nine and Failing

Recently I heard someone say it was sublime to be fifty nine. I beg to differ. After spending a month in that state of life. So far I have noticed my hearing failing, my memory more forgetful, my brain fuzzy when called upon to work and my joints freezing up more frequently. Not to mention, I finally found the phone, keys and camera I misplaced yet again. The shoes, good spelling and jacket are still missing. Frankly, I'm frustrated.

For all who have been there, done that, my apologies for not sympathizing with you sooner. Those have yet to hit the mark. Watch out! It's a bummer. This decline may be gradual or quick, real or imagined, but never welcomed. Even my granddaughter, Sarah, has noticed when I ask her to repeat it again. How annoying to look for days for something to discover it has been in the bottom of your purse or under the car seat the whole time. Apparently I am blind, too.

It's only a matter of time before the care center comes knocking on my door or the kids haul me there on the sly.

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