Friday, October 12, 2012

Ten - Eleven - Twelve

I'm celebrating the eleventh day of the tenth month of the twelvth year of the twenty-first century today.  It has been about 400 days since 9-10-11 and will be another until 11-12-13.   So do some different things today such as:

Eat ten healthy things.
Walk or work out for eleven extra minutes.
Smile to twelve people you don't know. 

Think about what you were doing this time ten years ago.
Write down eleven things you are grateful for.
Consider items that twelve is common.  Such as eggs, months of the year, the religious age to be honored, things sold by the dozen and more. 

This was to be published yesterday, but my computer froze up and I didn't check to see if I succeeded.  Here's to yesterdays 10/11/12.  Yeah!! And only 2 more.

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