Friday, January 25, 2013

Potential Piano Player Presses On

For some unknown reason I sat down at the piano on New Year's Day and began playing from a remedial hymn book.  My meager younger year's lessons helped restore what little knowledge I had learned.  Fortunately my fingers found the keys and it sounded so-so.  From that day to this without missing one single day of practise, time has been spent plinking out songs and familiarizing the fingers more to the ivory than the past twenty years has had. 

 It is starting to sound more like music than a toddler's noise or a child's banging and how good it feels. For years I have pondered what to do with a silent piano slowly wandering farther and farther out of tune. If one could practise every day for a year, would they be good enough to perform? In public? Scary? The last time was at twenty something and I forgot the memorized music. Fetching it from the floor I began again, finishing fretfully.

What is it about finding the keys correctly and matching them to the black spots on the paper?  Why do I freeze up.  That doesn't happen when I type.  Is it because of the hours and hours of repitition at such a young age?  No matter.  This 2013 resolution will continue to play until it wears out or I get more comfortable with an old new goal.  Do you know a good piano tuner?

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