Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Only Hollered When I Had To

 The Orange Rhino blog talks of a young mother that set a goal to go holler free for one year. That is 365 days of hard earned goals, but blessings unmeasured. I look up to any woman that works to better herself.

Did I holler, scream or shout at my children? Yes, some. I don’t do it now. Is that because the stimuli stepped out or my anger has been allocated? Maybe they just grew up, quit making messes, and pushing my hot buttons. Who knows?

My mom hollered and so does one of my daughters. I probably did, too. I try not to now. The result of being hollered at is low self esteem, unsure actions and lack of confidence. Ultimately, we all suffer.  Walk away, count to ten or step outside to blow-up the experts say.  

Think: "I can't do this, but I'm doing it anyways."  The longer we can go between eruptions, the better we become and it feels so good. We can succeed.

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