Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gertrude Gladiola Glechtenbaum

Pulling my outdated but still amazing $100 dress from the back of my closet and a sporting a Pepto Bismal pink hat I picked up years ago at the DI, our office manager christened me, Gertrude Gladiola Glechtenbaum. 
Little did she know, Gertrude has been a favorite 'greatful granny' name of mine for years.  Greeting clients and putting on a happy somewhat goofy face, one repairman thought I was Little Bo Peep.  "I forgot my sheep!" I regretfully told him.  Oh, the joys of Halloween, dressing up and reinventing ourselves. 

1 comment:

  1. Correction: $108 dress. ;) Too bad I still don't have my periwinkle blue skort outfit or we could have been twins. Hmmm...wonder what you would have cristened me? I'm just glad I wasn't the only one who dressed up. If you can call wearing a witch hat dressing up. Thank you for being such a good sport!
