Thursday, November 17, 2016

Do We Want Balmy or a Bear?

The November cold has been on R & R. We've loved and enjoyed warm weather so far. Time to bundle up. Heaters on in the car. Rain, snow and cold are ready and on par.
These magpies are bracing for the cold and all are facing into the wind, as the last warm breezes blow away. They feel that a change is coming. But this morning at 4 a.m. the temperature was an unbelievable 58 degrees. Wow, for November it seems impossible! By 3 p.m. the temperature had fluctuated down to 52' twelve hours later.
When the temperatures are opposite, that is rare. 3 a.m. warmer than 3 p.m., let’s compare? It was 58’ this morning and oh so fair. This afternoon flurries are predicted, what a bear. Well, goodbye balmy weather, we need to accept the cold and storms.

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