Thursday, December 22, 2016

Pick Your Perfect Shopping

I love shopping when there's no waiting in line.
You must get out early.  It is so fine.
Goods are replenished and many to mine.
On your way home passing shoppers, it's divine!!

 If you wait too long, plan on standing in every line of every store.   The secret is to go around 7 a.m.  Some stores are open 24 hours until Christmas.   Go early in the morning.  Don't try staying up to go late.  Arrive at the time when the stores with shorter hours are just opening.    Cranky shopper is what I become very quickly.  
Some stores have chronic lines, so go there first.  I guess this is why I hate Black Friday.  Oh, but I love being the first person in line.   It's easy to greet the cashier and wish her well.  I can't imagine having to deal with irritable customers all day.   It would wear me out.  
Try picking your 'Picture Perfect Shopping' between now and Christmas.  You will not regret it.  Save time, be home quickly to roast chestnuts on an open fire or just climb back into bed for a nap.  

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