Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sight Seeing in Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow really is a place. It has a quaint graveyard surrounded by a centuries old rock chapel. The story of the 'Headless Horseman' of this 300+ year old town isn't true, although Ichabod Crane could be a distant relative of mine. Our self-guided tour printout showed dozens of graves and mausoleums to visit as we traversed the grounds.

The large hilly cemetery in the center of town boasts many famous people residing there such as Washington Irving (author of the famous story), Franklin Roosevelt, many Revolutionary soldiers and even a possible relative or two.

I admit having to look up on Wikipedia the details surrounding what portends to have happened that lonely night ages ago when a Hessian (German) soldier's head was shot off by a cannon. His ghost haunted the village and may have visited Ichabod, the local school teacher. Whether it's the tiny creek by the cemetery or the great Hudson River nearby, the ghost tried to chase the instructor to or over the river.

Later, it is said, Mr. Crane dressed up like the feared apparition. One night carrying a pumpkin as a head and riding a horse, he intended to win the love of a sweetheart over another suitor. Did he want to scare her into it or show his bravery? I'm not sure if it was successful, but being family and all, he gets my vote.

October is probably this Hudson riverside town's busiest time. Scarecrow classes, cars lining the streets and art exhibits filled the place with a holiday feeling. Decorated to the hilt I couldn't resist snapping photos as we left the not very dozy hamlet.

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