Friday, June 23, 2017

Ministry, Miracles and Majesty

That's what I heard in Linda Burton's talk on March 25,2017 in Mesquite.   She also said, 'distracted, doubtful, and discouraged'.  In addition to 'sinful, sorrowful or soul-stretched', inviting us to 'accept the Lord's invitation to drink of His living water, as did the certain woman at the well.   She asked us 'to do the same as we bear our own certain witness: "Is not this the Christ?"'
In an effort to overcome doubt, discouragement and being distracted, I have turned to the conference talks of our leaders.   Although reading the scriptures, daily prayer and church attendance are vital in finding joy, I have found I need more to keep me close to the Lord.   This is my very own ministry to myself.   It really is a miracle to feel and know that I am being watched over by loved ones.

To feel the majesty of the Atonement of Jesus Christ through the gift and presence of the Holy Ghost, comes when we specifically work for it.   I used to talk to myself, but then I had to find the solutions and answers.   Now I talk with the Holy Spirit and get the answers that bless my everyday actions.

This means I have to acknowledge and thank Him for these great words of wisdom and blessings that flow down continually.   It takes effort and constant work, but is worth it.  

Another miracle is the opportunity to memorize, The Living Christ.  Created in 2000 for the commemoration of Jesus Christ's birth.   It has been a challenge and blessing to learn more about Jesus, his life and the great gifts he has given to all his children on the earth.   If you want to know more, go to 

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