Wednesday, August 31, 2016

On the Job With The Crane Man

The outriggers go down, then extend the boom. Secure supplies from the finished roof. There’s plenty of room. Lower them down, a skill he’s had years to groom. Soon the job’s done. He’s fast! Head home, zoom, zoom!
Allan had a job in East Carbon, Utah, located in Carbon County 130 miles away from home. There isn't much available out there so Construction Crane got the job. He needed to remove supplies from the roof of a church that had just been remodeled, secure them to the bed of his truck and take them back to the yard of Capitol Roofing in Sandy.
The crane operator and the person attaching the supplies use hand signals, so they know when the load is ready to lift, lower, cable up/down, boom up/down and so on. Experienced workers know it, some need to be taught. Allan knows he can trust from the signal and what to do. Signs work better than shouting, then misunderstanding and making a mistake.
Allan bought his first crane over twenty years ago, because general contracting was becoming so political and the market saturated. It has been a good business and he has established himself as a fair priced and knowledgeable operator. Go, Allan go!!

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