I abhor canning, because of the mess, heat & time. Friends have to beg me to take bushels of tomatoes, fruit or such off their hands. Wasting food drives me even crazier. Sometimes when a box of prime produce is staring me in the face, before letting it spoil, I’ll ‘can’ it.
Allan had a terrific idea to make it faster, simpler & easier. I was willing to go along. Using our one burner camp stove he pulled out our turkey roaster. Used once, ten years ago when it fried our Thanksgiving dinner to a crispy critter. We filled the colander basket with tomatoes, dunked them in a boiling bath for 1 minute. He poured the contents onto cookie sheets to await skinning & quartering.
After the bottles were filled & capped. We placed the tomatoes into the basket again to process forty-five minutes. The red cooked fruit sat on our deck table as the lids popped away sealing them for later use. The whole mess (20 bottles worth) was completed in no time. All the heat, noise & commotion took place on the deck, while the house, stove & electricity rested for another job.
Now accepting, any excess fruit or veggies you may want to unload.
He’s a genius!
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