Win: Took a zucchini dish to a family reunion because I was out of everything else & got three requests for the recipe, two were teens. I didn't think they liked veggies. It was a shock to have people rave about something 'I made' & finish it off, too.
Lose: A friend told me she has Stage IV cancer & prays she can make it a few more years to enjoy her grandkids. Sad, because she's the best grandma ever.
Win: Breann had surgery today, looks great & is recovering amazingly well. She's off the oxygen, catheter & hopefully the stay is short.
Lose: A few streets away from me, an all night standoff from a domestic dispute ended in a death 2 days ago. Drugs wreck havoc on people's lives.
Win: Catching the last day of the Springville Quilt show with my sister, Julie, was great enjoyment as we critiqued the variety of displays. We couldn't choose a favorite because we loved them all.
Lose: Forgot & left the sprinkler on for 14 hours. I'm not even going to open the water bill until the day I send the payment in. That way I'll only stress one day, unless I can't afford to pay it.
Remember don't get P O'd about life. Let it go. It's a win, win.
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