About a dozen years ago we planted an apple tree that hasn't produced much. The most we've gotten is three bushel of mostly wormy apples in the good years. Apple trees alternate with heavy then light years. If we were diligent about spraying to kill the coddling moth we'd get bugless apples, but we don't. It's common to cut 1/2 of the apple away to insect invasions & not much fun to cut one open full of worms either.
With all the rain we had last spring & cool weather at the right times to discourage the moths our tree produced about eight bushel. Miraculously we still have good firm apples that've lasted all winter long. Usually red delicious meat goes soft or spoils towards Christmastime. This year however, none have spoiled & the box never seems to get empty. We bottled, dried, gave boxes for others to dry, made apple desserts & continue to have an abundance of still more to eat.
Bags of dried apples have been shared with others. They curb our hungry appetites while driving in the car & keep us eating healthy on a daily basis.
Why is this? I call it a miracle & blessing from the Lord as he helps us get through another year of less than normal income. Its His way of helping us out & our need to recognize it, as well as be grateful for His loving care.
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