The second verse in 'Write Thy Name Upon My Heart' by Sally Deford explains ways to draw nearer to Him, as we prepare for Easter. It shows that we can deal with challenges, coming away as the victor. Tolerating others, with hands extended out to help is possible.
"When battles rage, when storms arise,
Make me a messenger of peace.
Teach me tolerance and meekness
And faith to bid the tempest cease.
Endow my soul with loving kindness.
Make me even as thou art.
Engrave thine image in my countenance.
Write thy name upon my heart."
Where do we go for strength to overcome our personal tempests? It takes alot of faith to turn our life over to Christ, letting him carry the load. Satan wants us to be in turmoil and unhappy. Submit yourself to the Savior. Humbly allow his love to wash over you.
Kathy, a woman I deliver Meals on Wheels to, recently lost a friend. She had opened her home to him, while he battled with homelessness & cancer. A lisening ear, to talk about how it happened. She found him deceased, in the bathroom late one night. She had no one to help, in getting the proper notifications. Hugs & caring made a big difference for her.
Peoples eyes glisten and their countenance radiate Christ's image, when they reach out to help themselves & others in need.
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