Monday, November 30, 2009
Mon: Keep My Mouth Shut
"Angry words oh let them never, from the mouth unbridled slip."
BYU beat U of U in the annual football rivalry game on Saturday. It's great for the winners, not so much for the opposing team. When they interviewed a major player from BYU, he spouted angry & hateful words about Utah. I was surprised to hear him say he hated everything about them, their school, team, people and all. Last year his family had been treated poorly by Utah fans, which was the main culprit for such bad feelings. Today this player issued an apology for his remarks.
More often than not in the heat of the moment, many say what's felt in their hearts regretting it later. I've fallen into the trap myself, fortunately not on TV. Satan & his helpers relish when we bad mouth others. We need built in alarms to seal our mouths, when the temptation to talk about people starts bubbling up & out.
This weekend three of my neices visited. What fun it was to talk about their lives, school, movies & Grandma. They got an ear full about how interesting she can be. Afterward, I regretted blabbing away at my perception of her faults. Why can't I keep my mouth shut? When will I get smart & avoid those pitfalls?
We all have hangups & strengths, why highlight the ones we're trying to overcome? Reminds me of the beam in my eye comparing her mote.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sat: A Sight for Sore Eyes
Dad cleaned the garage!! It looks amazing! I don't care what he did with the all the junk, because two thirds of it is neat & clean. Hopefully he will finish the job soon. It's really a sight for sore eyes & maybe help motivate others to do the same.
Too long now it's been my catch all. I've often tossed stuff into the garage as guests arrive at the front door. Thinking I'll take care later, it soon becomes part of the ever growing mound of mess. Allan keeps the three big doors closed to keep our things safe from stealers. I do it so no one knows what a pig I am.
When I spy a garage door left open, I know they are either careless or haven't caught anyone in their vehicles at 5am rumaging through things. Even though it's been six years or more, recent is the memory of me chasing that young twentyish lady down the street screamming to stay out of my garage, as she hopped into the get-away car and sped away. I hollered that I had their license plate number, but found later the car was stolen. Fortunately, they got away empty handed.
Keep your doors closed & spend an hour cleaning this week. Then treat yourself to a turkey sandwich or Christmas candy.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thur: Thankful for?
What are you thankful for?
Blessings are so abundant, it only takes a few seconds to list numerous gifts so generously given. Big, small, major, minor, general or specific & everything in between always remember the Lord & thank him daily, not just on Thanksgiving.
Here are a few I have:
BIG: A healthy new grand child
SMALL: Having friends over for a delicious dinner, when nothing flops.
MAJOR: A son's marriage, w/awesome new daughter-in-law.
MINOR: Making new friends when performing in a play.
GENERAL: Having enough money to pay the bills.
SPECIFIC: Husband's that do what you ask, most of the time.
IN-BETWEEN: Major surgeries that go well, in state of the art hospitals.
Best wishes this Thanksgiving.
Here is one in honor of the season:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tues: Trailer Taken-Found, Before Impound
Four weeks ago our dump trailer was stolen off the job site. We were frustrated & sad, because it's a good source of income in a time where work is sporadic. All were excited when Allan spotted it for sale thru the online classifieds, asking less than half the usual price of $10,000 this spring. It filled multi-purpose needs in trash removal, implement hauling, & more. The hydraulic dump saved extra time, work & effort in unloading stuff.
No way could we replace it. As we berated ourselves for not taking precautions to keep it secure, we regreted our carelessness. The police were called and a report was filed. Faith in our fellow man was once again put on 'Don't trust anyone' alert. Prayers were said as jobs were delayed or passed over.
Yesterday the Sandy Police Department called, saying our trailer had been found abandoned on Sego Lily Road. As they prepared to impound it for being left on the roadside for weeks, the VIN number indicated it was stolen. A quick call to our police verified the owners. They called us saying we had 5 minutes to pick it up. Convincing them we needed more time, no delay was made in driving the eight miles to retrieve it.
Thankfully a dead battery was a minor problem, over damage most stolen property has when recovered. Apparently, someone needed it for their garbage, then left it. Many, many thanks to our Father, for the return of the trailer & the many blessings we've enjoyed this year.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Fri: Foot Follies & Finding Faith
How often we take life for granted, thinking nothing of how perfectly our body works. The mind efficiently sends & receives information second by second guiding our every move. Heart, nervous, gastro & other systems work overtime as we batter & abuse them. Skeletal, skin & senses plug along housing, heating & protecting us from harm. We think nothing of the miracle that keeps us ticking.
Sure we have a few maybe even many blips on the horizon, but when a body part starts acting up, is broken, bruised, inflamed etc. we sit up & take notice. Appreciation for our 'warehouse' increases ten-fold. Miraculously, the body often heals itself. During the mending period, being whole once again is our goal. For some it takes more, but thanks to modern medicine we manage or bear with the imposition like it or not.
When I developed plantar fasciitis a few months ago, it was stupid. I'd pushed my feet to the limit, wearing poor shoes walking endlessly on cement. In twelve hours they went from healthy to hurting & havn't stopped since. A strained tendon running my bottom left foot's length, hurt with every step I took. Doctor's visits, exercises & more didn't work.
WebMD was informative, as well as friends with success stories. After wearing a foot brace for a month, I'm now on the road to recovery. Four more weeks with the splint & a good $100 pair of shoes, has prevented additional problems. I'm glad only one foot reared it's angry head & said, "No more!"
When nothing works as problems arise & despair seeps in, go the the Lord. He will dispell your fear & bring comfort. You are 'Never Alone' & help is out there.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wed: Worry Wart to Worry Free
It started last night, when I awoke at 12:50 a.m. & began to worry about what to fix for my book group tonight. After going back & forth between apple cake or trifle, cider or water, supplies I did & didn’t have for the recipes, I moved on to Thursday’s needs. In a short time Christmas arrived on the scene, as I dove into another set of worries to wart about.
Time and again I tried to change my thought pattern to Christ or peaceful things, but within seconds jumped back on the ‘hash & re-hash Merry-go-round of life’. A week’s worth of worries in 2 hours was enough for me.
After praying for help, I packed up Wednesday’s troubles & mentally put them in a box by the door. Thursdays went in another one next to them. Bundling up the rest of my stresses, I threw them in a pile down the hall. My mind was free to contemplate the Savior and His life. Peace sent me off to ‘lala’ land.
When I awoke I picked up Wednesday’s jobs, transformed into a ’can do’ package. They were waiting for me at the door & left the others for later. That is how to go from Worry Wart to Worry Free in ten minutes or less. Be sure to leave a container by the door.
See you at book club. It’s “Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson, a great read about how one person can make a difference in the world through service.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mon: Make a Move to Minimize Messes
I'm on a roll for cleaning out & labeling things. My linen closet has been a mess since day one. I don't need 12 bedding sets, blankets & odd towels any more. I've organized them into piles of like, dislike, worn out & throw out.
Growing up our closets were so full, when putting clean laundry in them it was hard to find room. Most of them were overflowing with unused who knows what. Some of us have tidy homes but messy closets & drawers. Others have cluttered homes but organized behind the scenes. Blessed are those that have both.
Junk drawers are in every home, full of 'Junk!' I had more than one, so full they wouldn't open. I gave myself permission to toss most of it. I love it. I left one drawer empty because it feels so good.
Make a move today to 'toss' eliminate & take your drawers & closets back.
You have my permission!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Fri the Thirteenth: Things for Thanking of It.
What better day to start thinking about thanking the Lord for our blessings this year, than on Friday the 13th, with the same number of days left until Thanksgiving. I won’t bore you with a daily list. This is a reminder for each of us to reflect on the blessings we’ve had all year. Here are some I’ll be pondering:
13. Not long until we're truly old, so appreciate every minute we now enjoy.
12. Talents & opportunities to develop & share with others.
11. Months this year of paychecks & bills paid.
10. Children & spouses who we love & are very proud of.
9. Precious grand children to dote over & spoil.
8. Maids a milking..oh wait that’s Christmas, glad for food.
7. 24/7 trust, hope & faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ.
6. May to October, the six months we've had weddings/anniversaries in.
5. Close calls from several near car accidents recently.
4. Seasons to enjoy & watch unfold.
3. Be grateful for the threefold mission of the Church.
2. Our spouse, a great mate to love & trust.
1. We have one life to live, so do your best.
The weather forcast predicted storms & snow for today. It's cold, but clear & sunny, so enjoy it while you can.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tues: My Trash Is a Treasure to Others
This week is our DI Drive, collecting everthing I'm willing to toss. What a great idea to do before the holidays are suffocating us, when we can think clearly. I need my kids to help me, as they would toss so much more than I can. Some mementos have such a hold of past memories on me, it's impossible to part with.
I'll go in each room & say to myself you have to fill this bag, no buts about it. A few things get the boot. Coming from a 'can't part with anything' mom, it's a battle every time. It feels so liberating to do the deed. Thanks to other charities that call on a monthly basis, the job gets easier. I tell them 'yes' every time. Even getting rid a one bag of stuff is better than nothing. Keep in mind someone else can use it or may need it. Be generous.
The best part of dejunking is knowing you can invite guests over without spending hours trying to 'spruce up', if you get my meaning. As a youth I was too ashamed to have friends over, due to my cluttered home. I'm the only one who can change that, but have to work at it everyday to make it happen. I found by setting the goal of doing the job first, then reward myself with 15-30 minutes of pleasure afterward really works.
Our trash is definitely others treasures. I have to admit shopping these second hand stores monthly to pick up a vase, trinket, book or sometimes just to browse is satisfying. Some say it's good to ask ourselves: "Do I need this? Would I use it?" Too much of a good thing is just that, Too much!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fri: Fringe & Frocks Accompany Baby Emma
Pink plush fringe blankets & frilly frocks were the common fair of gifts Baby Emma received from friends & family. The house was fraught with blue clothes from her older brothers, but Jenn was happy to break out the new gifts.
Life is pretty topsy-turvy when a new baby is born, but Jenn's motherly instincts quickly kicked in. Her three big brothers excited to have a baby sister, helped hold, burp & quiet her. All were happy to assist in bathing and fetching the binky when needed. She was pretty patient with them if they bounced her too high, bumped into her or didn't know how to help. It's a learning experience for all.
We spent a week enjoying Emma Delight. Spoiling her rotten is more like it, by holding her non-stop & fussing over her. How beautiful she is with easy to see similarities to each parent & sibling. It's nice Heavenly Father doesn't skimp when making babies.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wed: When the Wrong Way is Where You Are
We went the wrong way coming home from Washington. I'd entered 'Pendleton' into our Garmin for the destination. Five Pendleton's popped onto the screen & I chose the Grain Coop, thinking it would take us to the city in Oregon on our route home 395 to I82.
Ever the optimist Allan said, "Maybe it's a shortcut". Yeah, to Walla Walla. As we rounded the lake size merging of both rivers (Snake & Columbia) passing Wallula, we took the Columbia River Highway (the Oregon & Washington state border) West for twenty odd miles. I decided to enjoy the scenery & shut my grumbling mouth up.
We were directed to take the Pendleton Cold Springs Highway 37 South through the quiet, wide open rolling hills of Oregon's dry farms. The verdant new growth, harvested or fallowed fields had a calming effect. Big tractor rigs tilling under the last of this year's stubble dotted the horizon. Family ranches replaced the 'oasis in the desert' to the weary traveler.
An old school begged me to stop & take it's picture. A windmill stood guard nearby, protecting it from predators. Turning to get back in the car, the four story high abandoned grain elevator we parked next to said, 'Pendleton Grain Coop'. We had arrived at our destination!
681 miles in all was our return total with a detour in Boise to see the state capitol & 670 going to Washington. I'd say we did find a shortcut, from the rat race of the interstate highways, leap frog passing, & big truck haulers.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Mon-Migration, A Many Feathered Thing
Few things give us a bond with nature more than birds. Their merry song, flight friendly patterns & flitting about daily, amaze me. A friend once asked what bird I’d choose to be. An eagle was her desire, to be admired by all. I'd be a soaring hawk high above the earth.
‘I pray to the birds-because they remind me of what I love rather than what I fear.’ Terry Tempest Willams
Last week swarms of birds settled then separated into groups. Watching their ebb & flow was fascinating. Canada Geese squawked while taking flight from a nearby golf course to forage elsewhere. Gazing at their V formation as they soared overhead, I wanted to join the gang. Fast flyers, they once overtook my 35 mph commute to work zooming past me in the sky.
A great grey heron stood in the center of the river as I walked the trail last week without a camera. Is this is layover site before heading further south? Still on the river the other day, I couldn't keep my eyes off the rare beauty, snapping some photos this time.
Years ago while returning in late September from taking my oldest to Snow College, several hours away, flock upon flock of geese flew past me headed toward warmer climates. It was definitely a well traveled route for fowls & weekend warriors. They're passing through that area now to winter in the Gulf Coast, Mexican Riviera and points in between. Where do I hop aboard? Wait, that’s a self achieved 1000+ mile journey, maybe not.
‘To be human is to breathe with the rhythm of life; to recognize a kinship with all of life.’ DavidKrieger
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