How often we take life for granted, thinking nothing of how perfectly our body works. The mind efficiently sends & receives information second by second guiding our every move. Heart, nervous, gastro & other systems work overtime as we batter & abuse them. Skeletal, skin & senses plug along housing, heating & protecting us from harm. We think nothing of the miracle that keeps us ticking.
Sure we have a few maybe even many blips on the horizon, but when a body part starts acting up, is broken, bruised, inflamed etc. we sit up & take notice. Appreciation for our 'warehouse' increases ten-fold. Miraculously, the body often heals itself. During the mending period, being whole once again is our goal. For some it takes more, but thanks to modern medicine we manage or bear with the imposition like it or not.
When I developed plantar fasciitis a few months ago, it was stupid. I'd pushed my feet to the limit, wearing poor shoes walking endlessly on cement. In twelve hours they went from healthy to hurting & havn't stopped since. A strained tendon running my bottom left foot's length, hurt with every step I took. Doctor's visits, exercises & more didn't work.
WebMD was informative, as well as friends with success stories. After wearing a foot brace for a month, I'm now on the road to recovery. Four more weeks with the splint & a good $100 pair of shoes, has prevented additional problems. I'm glad only one foot reared it's angry head & said, "No more!"
When nothing works as problems arise & despair seeps in, go the the Lord. He will dispell your fear & bring comfort. You are 'Never Alone' & help is out there.
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