Friday, May 8, 2009

Fri- Follow a Few of Mom Facts

Frankly, no one listens to moms, at least not their family. I know, because it's been years since I listened to my mother. She goes on & on about who died, how glad she is about not doing yada yada like so & so. The worst is her never ending who's related to whom recitals. I don't care.

Please, oh please, tell me when I begin to sound and say the same things that Mom says. Maybe that's why senior citizens all go deaf. They tune each other out & quit talking, because their kids told them to.

Factual: Mom's know alot, are forever learning and remember many how to's.
Food: We'd starve if it wasn't for mom's dependable meals.
Funny: Mom's actually have a sense of humor & love to laugh at their kids.
Frosting: Mom's are the frosting on the cake of life sweetening things up.
Feelings: We do overlook alot, but please don't tread on us.
Fearless: We have to endure alot & become fearless until our kids grow up.

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