Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tues: A Tantalizing Cinco de May

It’s not a birthday, that’s in September. Try saying cinco de Septiembre. We have a snappy sounding day to eat, celebrate and remember the red, white & green colors of the Mexican flag. America actually makes a bigger deal of this day of liberation from some south of the border trouble, than the Latinos, I’m told. Enjoying authentic Spanish classical music all day on KBYU, has been a treat. I’m buying a piñata for my grand children when they come, in a few weeks.

I don’t mind fixing Spanish rice, enchiladas and burritos all week, as well as taking advantage of the sales. Last night trying to come up with a quick meal, I pulled out beans, chili, left over beef and tossed salad from the fridge. In seconds it was heated and poured over chips with a sprinkling of cheese for a delicious and healthy taco salad.

What would we do without these tantalizing Mexican influences and dishes?

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