Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thur: Thank Therapy

I'm thirsting for some 'Thank Therapy', particularly in the meal prep field. A minimum of ten meals a week are cranked out by this Mom/wife 'chef' with not a word of thanks amongst the lot of them. They can't all be that bad tasting. Maybe I'm a little optimistic, being a bit biased about my own meals.

I have to admit, some of the left overs I squirrel away for myself because they are 'sooo good' and others I dump (not very often).

When I pointed this out to hubby he said, "They're all good. I told you that six months ago on January 17th. Don't you remember?"

Apparently, all I get is 'one thanks' every so often. My son-in-law, Dave, thanks me for every meal he eats and I really appreciate his thoughtfulness. Take note, everyone. I notice!

I seldom thank Allan for going to work everyday, but do lavish it on when he: mows the lawn, fixes a meal or does something extra. Does meal preparation fall into the 'don't have to thank' category? What do you think?

'Thanks' or 'no need to thank' I need your feed back, NOW!!


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