Monday, March 9, 2009

Memories on Monday: Making Matters Worse

It’s funny what insignificant things annoy us, to the point of becoming a stress mess. You know, when you barely arrive at a party to notice your hubby has a big dribble stain on his shirt. That ‘happy to be here’ feeling instantly leaves as you wonder why he can’t choose the new shirt you just bought him, to wear.

What will people think if they see it? She never does the laundry, what a slob he is or some other judgmental thing. Now you notice the dirty shirt tale isn’t tucked in, but all the other guys have taken care of theirs. He looks even worse as you notice the day old growth on his fat face. Your anger starts to build, as you study this man ready to chop his head off any moment now.

Working into a lather and ready to holler at him with the announcement that you must go home immediately to change clothes. Your mind recalls valuable ‘conflict training’ information that says, ‘Who’s problem is this anyway?’ 'It’s his.'

You ask, ‘How often does this happen to you?’discovering a tiny spot on your pants. Maybe he just needs glasses. Is it worth ruining your night over, humiliating him or having a fight about? Get over it, move on & forget it. So you do. What a fun time is had & who knows maybe no one noticed the spot. If they did, so what, judge on.

The next day, pull out every pair of pants & shirt he wears, washing them. Now to sort, label and arrange his closet thus: For Outings, Work, Church, Dirty jobs, 'Don't you dare wear this' and so on to prevent it happening again or not.

Sometimes it’s best to just keep our mouths shut and ignore it. Save yourself alot of stress.

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