Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wed.-What: Warmer Weather Bonus

My gas and power bills arrived yesterday. Combined they were $80 lower than I’ve seen for the past six months. What changed and how did they get so out of sight? This is how. A few years ago my power & gas was reasonable. The news started reporting that these poor utilities had been under charging the customer & would have to back bill.

I didn’t think much of it until my triple increased gas bill came. All winter as I’ve struggled to pay it, I moved the thermostat lower & lower. When I got home from work it would be turned up until bedtime. If I could find the booklet that tells how to set the auto adjust, that would be great. Last month I quit turning up the heat wearing a sweater around the house or a blanket when watching TV, not hard or inconvenient. Can’t do it when we have little ones, company or elderly visiting, but no problem we can accommodate.

The power was about the same increasing every month as I diligently kept all lights off, except the ones we were using. To me a well lit house means waste, a semi lit home says, ‘we’re home’ and a dark house says, ‘no one’s here’. When my kids were young, I always had the kitchen light on when they were home which meant: Mom’s here. A shiny porch light means welcome. Keeping these going has been important, but cutting back on computer, oven use, long showers, etc isn’t that hard to do. Warmer weather has also been a factor.

I'll be using the money I've saved to help pay a fraction of my taxes. That's another story.

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