Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday, Sites & Sounds: Something So Simple

My bags even match the sign. Another shopper asked if I would like to be in picture. Sometimes it's so hard to ask, but others are more than willing to help.

I spied this sign at the grocery store yesterday, as I got out of my car reminding me to get my 'going green' bags. Usually I remember them at the checkout instead & feel frustrated at forgetting them. It was great to fill them up in the store without using any plastic or paper to add to the landfills. For only $1 they last a long time, hold your goods and you know your helping the environment. I put them in the pocket of each front car door to quickly grab and go. Something so simple helps all of us.

Someone recommended adding just $5 to my Church donations in January that would help out alot. If 33% of all contributors did that, think how much more there would be.
It's such a small amount even in this economy. I know I could add the $5 every month or so. We'd be helping others & not even feel it. Something so simple helps those who need it so much.

I feel guilty when driving in busy traffic or a long shopping line of people to see the guy behind me let a person in. Now why didn't I do that. Acting kind feels even better when they wave or say thanks. It makes me feel so good. Something so simple encourages others to pass it on.

Go Green! Give to Others! Be Kind! You will never regret your decision, it's so simple.

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