Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thur: Day 11-Faith in Every Footstep

Read: Heb 11, Alma 44:3-4, Moroni 7:25-26, D&C 8:10-11

Challenge for today: Ask yourself when my foot rubs the penny, "Do I feel the Savior at my side and have faith in every footstep today?"

A heroic pioneer woman, Amanda Smith, learned faith during a tragedy at Haun's Mill when her seven year old son, Alma's hipbone was shot away in an attack that killed her husband and eldest son. She cried, "Oh, Heavenly Father, what shall I do? Thou seest my poor wounded boy & knowes tmy inexperience. Direct me what to do!"

She wrote, 'A voice spoke to her saying, to take ashes from a smoldering fire making a lye with it. She Put a cloth saturated with lye into the wound over and over as directed until the flesh was white.'

She prayed again to the Lord, and was instructed as if a doctor was speaking to her to make a poultice from a nearby slippery-elm tree putting it into the injury then to dress it. She rememered of a bottle of balsam in her trunk pouring it into the wound, which brought relief to her son's pain.

Telling her son to lay on his tummy, that the Lord would make a new hip for him because she had been shown in a vision what to do. Alma believed his mother. After five weeks laying on his face, a flexible gristle had grown in place of the missing one. Because of a mother's faith and inspiration, the young boy was completely healed.

It takes alot of courage to obey completely when such unusual thoughts come to our mind. If we are in tune with the Lord, we will recognize them. By trusting Him and doing His will, we will be blessed.

Journaling: Write of a time when you faced a situation beyond your control and followed the promptings knowing they came from God. How did having faith with each step you took today make an impact in what you did or decided to do?

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