Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wed- Who's RecyColleen?

I'm such a nut about conservation and trying to recycle, reuse and renew that I can't let this Earth Day go by without saying something.

1. Pick up trash. When you're walking or jogging outside pick up trash that's been tossed along the road. The best times are when it's trash day where you're walking, so it can be quickly tossed into someone's bin.
2. Turn lights, TV, computer, appliances etc off, when you leave a room.
3. If you have recycling in your area, take advantage of paper, cardboard, plastic.
4. Go outside & enjoy the beauty. Listen to the birds & breath the fresh air.
5. Give those things to Good Will that others can use, instead of trashing them.
6. Walk or bike instead of driving when you can.
7. Remember to use your green bags when you go shopping. What to do with all the plastic bags? Use them to line your waste baskets.

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