Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursdays Thoughts-Tight Wad to You, Too.

My brother-in-law once called me a cheapskate, because I was always looking for the best deal or cutting corners. To this day it bothers him that I tear tissues, paper towels and dryer sheets in half. Hey, I tell him, it lasts twice as long. He’s right of course, when making a recipe I usually go lean on the sugar and butter. Perhaps this is why I’ll never get the best cook award. Best extender or best use of a product in tough times is my alias.

I’ll point out that we’re all tightwads depending on what it is. How many misers do you know that will pay any price for whatever they are in to, but not a dime for things that don't interest them.

If you want apples and they’re not on sale today, but grapes are. Buy grapes. Get apples next time or when they’re affordable. Same goes for entertainment, clothes, and such. If possible, always buy low. What’s wrong with waiting? Be adaptable, unless it’s not possible. Sure sometimes full price is the only option and to avoid another trip that will cost you time and money, get it now. Weigh the options, make the decision and avoid impulse buying.

Be the mom & pop store shopper instead of the mega W store that has a monopoly over most businesses and is the cause of their demise. Although cheap, I stay clear of the ‘Big W’. Spread the almighty dollar around so everyone can enjoy success. is a good source for finding deals.

1 comment:

  1. GUILTY- I too tear paper towels in half. I just feel so guilty using a whole one if I only need part of one. I also only go to the 'Big W" when it is a last resort. Like at midnight when it is the only store open, or if I've tried all other stores and they don't have what I'm looking for.
