Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesdays-Tried & True: Trenches

When I think of trenches, I'm reminded of motherhood how buried you feel when everyones depending on you to get it all done, on time of course. Dinner, dishes, laundry, loving, shopping, chauffeuring, shepherding, teaching and training are just a few things. You have to know where everything is, be prepared for the unexpected and perform at all times. Basically, you're the grunt gal.

Your children must know they are loved, terrific, can do it, should try it and so on. They have a built in cheerleader (you) at all times. At the bottom of the list, you'll find your name for a good reason. This gets old fast and dreaming of an out, often crowds the stage of your life. So take a minute for yourself to regenerate, then jump back in head first. Because within minutes reality hits reminding you that, no one else will love, care for & want the best for your kids as much as you. You're in for the long haul.

After what seems like half of your life, which it is, they (the kids) start leaving the nest. One by one and sometimes quicker than that, the load becomes lighter. Subtle at first, then gradually one less dinner plate, batch of laundry, clutter of things until miraculously everything stays in its appointed place. Unbelievable, but true!

No more list of who's on first. You are, at least once in a while and it feels weird. Is it okay to spend time on yourself? Yes!! You earned it. Spoil yourself by having a pedicure. It's finally your turn. 'Job well done', you say to yourself, because no one else will.

Before you know it, your a grandmother and it starts all over again, if you let it. But, you can send them home this time or they move out of state. Thanks, gals. Did I tell you what terrific mothers I think you are? It's true.

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